Tuesday 12 July 2016

Sunday in Cavan

I have found Sunday the most difficult day in the week since we have been away, knowing that everyone is gathered together at church.  I miss the fellowship of all our friends and family very much.  We have been to church in Cavan the last two Sundays but it is very different to anything I am used to. Having said that, it has been good for us to be the visitors.  We are certainly looking forward to being back with everybody soon.....

Catherine invited all her family to come for dinner, which we sat down to at about 2:30pm.  It was great to sit at their big table and enjoy being together.  

A magnificent trifle made by Barbara.

The two little boys, George and Robbie,  have really taken to the Australians and keep asking us questions about the animals we have at home.  They asked if their next holiday would be with us.  Who knows....      

Catherine Jnr and Sarah

Rodney and






          Debra and Chris



After we said our goodbyes, we headed off in our little car for County Donegal.  A two hour drive brought us to Bruckless House in the southern end of the County.  Jane lit a fire for us!!  That's says a lot....

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