Monday 18 July 2016

Newcastle and the Silent Valley

Today we are off to Newcastle, a beachside town, where the Mountains of Mourne flow down
to the Irish Sea.  These mountains are very majestic and provide an imposing backdrop for the town.  Once again, crowds of people everywhere enjoying a most beautiful sunny summer's day.  

We had a great hankering to walk up on top but Charles has had trouble with pain in his back and leg so we didn't suggest it.  Charles drove us to Annalong where we saw an old Cornmill with a huge  water wheel.                            

and a little inlet which flowed under the bridge a quiet  spot  to enjoy the ducks,   
They spent more time with their heads under the water than above it.

the harbour, 
the stream and  the cornmill  with the water splashing over the waterwheel.

Lunch at Top Nosh was another true Irish experience  before we drove on to the Silent Valley Mountain Park.  Ben Crom Reservoir, Belfast's water supply, is  a  lovely spot for a walk or a picnic.  The dam is surrounded by mountains, including Slieve Donard with  beautifully kept sweeping lawns 
for children to roll down 

 Walking towards the reservoir
                                                             with the mountains in the background.

Once again, a lovely display of wild flowers along the pathways

The wall of the reservoir

Imposing mountains create a magnificent backdrop and a ready supply of water from the runoff  
every time it rains - often! 

Dreaming of home...

The photo doesn't translate the size of these mountains very well...

And magnificent vistas looking towards the Sea.  This really is such a pretty area...  

Came back to Newcastle for a quick walk around before  dining in one of the local restaurants, with a stunning view out to Slieve Donard.


We really enjoyed our day with Charles and Joan and the magnificent scenery of the Mountains of Mourne.  The sides of the hills are covered with stones which provide the natural resource for the stone walls which separate each field and property.
Such a lovely vista, looking towards the Sea.


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