Thursday 7 July 2016

Another evening Drive

Tonight we set off again at 6pm for a drive.  Catherine and Howard took us to see the land they own that has been planted in forest at Blackmiles.

We set out  through Ballinagh and Killydonn into Granard and passed Abbeylara on the way, then into Coole.  From there to Multyfarnham, where there is another Abbey Ruins, onto Blackmiles, then across to Knockbody and Morningtown, where there is another forest Howard owns.                    
   That's a view of the Lough Derravaragh in the distance.  It's getting crowded out by the growth of the trees.   

Looking toward Howard's forest from the front of the Morningtown House B&B   

Visited Anne and Warwick O'Hara in their grand house that they operate as a B&B.  Is there anyone Howard doesn't know in Ireland?
Anne suggested that we take a look upstairs. The bedrooms are very grand, it would be a lovely place to stay, although Catherine wasn't so sure, it is very isolated.

Came back via Castlepollard and out  to Fore, where the Ruins of St Feichan Abbey are.  The Abbey is noted for, what the locals call the seven  wonders, including water that flows uphill, water that doesn't boil and a tree that won't burn....hmm.

Continued our travels down through Oldcastle to  Ballyjamesduff. Allan got the shock of his life at Lathagloghan when Howard seemed to drive off the road at speed.    Luckily there was another hidden road waiting for us!  We think Howard had it planned for a few miles, he was very satisfied.  
Here is a close up of the Lough
Derravaragh just before the sunset

Arrived at Macdonald's drive-through  at about eleven o'clock for a most interesting time,  with Howard enquirying what type of fish they had in their fillet-o-fish.  The young man answered 'crumbed fish', to which Howard stated, "By Gosh,  don't  be feeding me fish fingers".  There were several other questions from Howard!  When the young man came to the window he was laughing, and said, "That was a complicated order"..

Our tour was a fun time together, with Joan slinging her leg over many a fence to help with locking and unlocking gates and endeavouring to get the best position for a photo, balancing on the top of a pole or a fence.   All the climbing through the stiles in England were great preparation for Ireland.

We arrived back at the farm about half eleven...

I hope you enjoyed our journey.  I thought the names of some of the towns would keep you interested.

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