Monday 18 July 2016

Donegal Harbour and St. John's Point

We wondered if the Irish men's and women's rowing teams were in Donegal, practicing for Rio....

We returned to Donegal to take the water cruise around Donegal Bay - what a waste of time and money that was!  Our first point of interest was a house that was hidden before a large stand of trees!  Then our tour guide started telling jokes, a sure sign that there wasn't much to see.  On our return trip back to the harbour, he started singing. I guess he had a captive audience...  
A view of Donegal from the water.  

It was a delightful, sunny day floating on the water, even if there wasn't much to see.          

We discovered a little gem just near Bruckless - St John's Point.  This little piece of land juts out into Bruckless Bay for about 10.5kms.  At the point, you can see the sea on both sides.  The beach is still and pleasant - perfect for a family with young children.....

Perfect for paddling. 


And taking in the view.

On our way back we called into  this quaint house which was operating as a hand weaver's studio.  She said that the thatch on the roof, in the centre  was at least a metre thick.
The building was exceptionally old

The loom was very old

One of the designs worked on the loom.

I have found the craft in Ireland very interesting, particularly the old hand crafts  which are under treat because of the cost of producing these labour intensive works of art.   It was pleasing to see people coming in and buying these lovely items that, in many cases, were hot of the loom!  Allan felt bad that we didn't make a purchase but we are restricted with our luggage allowance.

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