Thursday 7 July 2016


Today we ventured into the North - into County Tyrone, to visit my Mum's family in Kilskerry.  They make our visiting easy because three of them live in the same street.  We had a wonderful time together with lots of chatting and laughing, some reflecting upon Mum's life here in Ireland and her journey to the end.  But especially we loved just being together again.  

Kilskerry is a neat as a pin town, with colourful floral displays in the streets.            

Minnie is standing at her front door and Allan is walking towards the Church of Ireland at the top of the hill.  Some of my family story is told in the  cemetery beside the church.

Minnie and Tommy
Minnie loves her garden 

Winnie and Bill's house is beside the Church.
Bill and Winnie 

Robert and Evelyn's front garden.  Do you think he likes gnomes??  Robert escaped before we could take his photo. 

Standing at the Church looking down the road that leads to Stranagomer, the town land where Mum grew up on a farm.  The  farm no longer  belongs to the family.

This is the Methodist Church where Mum and Dad were married, in Trillick, 3 miles from Kilskerry.   

We finished the day with a meal in the pub 

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