Wednesday 20 July 2016


Sunday again!  Last one before we land back on Australian soil.....

Joan and Chares decided that we would take a leisurely Sunday stroll down a country lane, before lunch.

They took us for a walk on Friday evening, after dinner and we got drenched!!  Wetter than any time on our Coast to Coast walk!   Good old Ireland, impeccable weather.  But how could we stay unforgiving and hesitant with such pleasant company..... Charles is a great conversationalist - he slots in jokes in such a manner that you think he's serious.

Anyway, we were walking along this lovely, quiet lane.  Surrounded by properties with horses in each field.  Perfect I hear you saying.

Well, what we didn't factor in was the silage.  The farmers have been waiting for a few weeks for the weather to dry out so they could cut their silage and get it into storage.  We have had 3 days of magnificent summer, sunny days.  Perfect for drying out the silage and as they say - make hay while the sun shines.

So along came the BIG tractors with their even bigger trailers, full of silage.  And these tractors don't drive slowly along the country lanes!!    
Joan managed to stay on her feet while the tractor flew by..

Just squeezed past Charles' car... 

One of the lovely, grand homes along the lane.

The hedges along this lane where filled with honeysuckle, roses and bramble bushes.

Lunch followed then some sad farewells.  Now we  are off to Armagh. 

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