Friday 17 June 2016

Day 13 - Rest day in Richmond

I have to say that I was very happy and relieved that this rest day was happening today.  My feet and knees are feeling sore and Allan's heel seems to be bruised and giving him some grief.  So a day without putting on our boots and walking as little as possible is welcome.

We did take the opportunity to look around Richmond and enjoyed this historic town and its sights very much.  Our biggest disappointment was not being able to do the tour of the Georgian theatre, which was on the top of our list of things to do.  But we managed to dim our disappointment with lunch at Duncan's cafe, where the motto is 'Savour the Moment', and we certainly did!
Smiles all round at Duncan's 

 A sample of what we DIDN'T eat!

We walked around the Richmond  Castle and enjoyed beautiful views of the bridge over the Swale River, on the edge of town

before visiting the Castle and climbing to the top for superb  views of the town and its surrounding countryside.

                 The Castle ruins

 The Market Place

 Such a pretty town set in the beautiful English countryside - lush green rolling hills all around.. with a forest waiting for us to conquer.

      A really happy and restful day with beautiful friends


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