Friday 17 June 2016

Day 11 - Keld to Reeth

We were ready and rearing to go!

Leaving Keld Lodge where we had a most wonderful evening meal.  Amazing considering we were out in the middle of nowhere.    

We began our day with the familiar sounds of babbling water which sometimes turned into a waterfall, and singing of birds.  We walk along the Swale River in the Swaledale Valley.  As we walked I noticed the cuckoo birds singing to us, "Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo".  I began to wonder if
they were trying to tell us something!    

What a beautiful sight the stone barns make across the landscape.  They are in every paddock.  This is a most beautiful walk and one we are not regretting.  Wainwright would recommend that you walk the high way but we have chosen to walk in the valley today and it has been a great decision.  The Lakes are well and truly gone now and we are enjoying a gentler way (although the hills aren't gone completely).  This is truly a most beautiful place.              

The Swale River.   
 One of the many stone barns we saw along the valley

The fields are filled with wildflowers and stone barns

Swaledale Valley 

We deviated into Muker, a quaint village 3 miles from Keld where we enjoyed morning tea

 It's a tough life but someone has to keep these little villages alive with their patronage..
Yes, that's a sheep on the roof 

Muker is a very pleasant village and was one of James Herriot's favourites.  
 Muker Old School Crafts shop and Gallery are all worth a visit. 

 The village of Muker (pronounced Miu-ker)

Examples of the handiwork of Swaledale Woollens. Each item is made from the wool from the hardy Swaledale sheep.  30 homeworkers are employed to knit or make the items.   

This walk was a beautiful way to spend a day.  The wildflowers continue as do the barns, the stone walls, the gorgeous scenery and the stiles which seem to be getting harder to traverse because they now have very well sprung gates.  By the time you get through with a backpack on, if you don't get jammed in one,  you are fortunate.  We bypassed several little villages but lunched in the village gardens in Gunnerside.  As we left, we were captivated by a stunning veggie garden.  So much so that we missed our turn off! 

Jona, this one is for you...

A real surprise was waiting for us as we approached a woodland 
 You never know where you might find Miss Piggy!
A real live teddy bears'  picnic!

Where is Tarzan?

We had to walk along the top of a wall which was covered with huge flag stones.

Another amazing old bridge over the Swale River. 

We entered a jungle before we reached the road and into Reeth. 

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