Thursday 19 May 2016

The annual wood day

Our annual wood day at Carboor happened on Saturday in preparation for the winter months.   What a great sight, seeing the men working hard, splitting the logs into usable sizes. They just love being out there together doing the blokey thing.  
The ladies enjoyed a leisurely stroll into the pines with the children.  The kids loved the huge and magnificent toadstool,bright red with white spots bursting out of it.  Just like the storybooks!

With all the trailers and utes filled with wood, our tummies filled with sausages and coleslaw and Audrey's 3rd birthday cake, and our hearts rejoicing in the fellowship of dear friends, we headed home.

We can leave for our holiday now that our wood shed is well stocked and ready for our return.  Allan has already set the fire and we have resisted the urge to light it.  A joy we will look forward to on our return; that first warm glow in the heater as we return to winter after two months of English 'summer'.
The Old Milking Shed at Peter and Julie's  in Carboor

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